Marist Sisters in the Sector of Australia gathered in the Chapel at Woolwich on Saturday 3rd July to celebrate in prayer the life of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, Foundress of the Marist Sisters, whose feastday had occurred a few days earlier. At the conclusion of their prayer each sister was given a copy of the booklet “Still They Have No Wine”, a programme of readings and reflections that will assist in responding to the call of the General Chapter 2008.

In her letter to the sisters Sr Gail, Sector Leader of Australia writes: “The chapter’s call to attend, as it did, to Mary’s way of thinking, feeling, judging and acting at Cana alerts each of us to sharpen our sensitivity to the needs or our contemporary world….Our initial efforts to address this question have led us to express a desire to offer to our world, and indeed to each other, the wine of hope and hospitality.”