Peace Sunday

On this Peace Sunday (17th January) we join with Pope Francis in praying for peace in our world. In his message for the World Day of Peace on 1st January 2021 Pope Francis took as his theme A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace. Download the Pope’s message here.

Reforestation Project in Fiji

On Wednesday 21st March 2019 the Marist Sisters of the Nadi community in Fiji witnessed a very simple but meaningful missioning ceremony of Sister Lora who is undertaking a reforestation project in the Yasawa Islands. Also present were Srs Lavinia Henry, Fiji Unit Leader, Noelene Simmons, General Bursar, and Lorraine Campbell, Fiji Unit Bursar.  The hymns and readings reflected the purpose of missioning Lora to the land of her ancestors named MATANIWAI. The reforestation project that she is undertaking involves planting long term and short term trees, shrubs, flowers, fruit trees and vegetables. The principles of Laudato Si as expressed  by Pope Francis are mirrored in this project. The Marist Sisters support Lora in this project and wish her well.

Working Towards Divesting from Fossil Fuels

Pope Francis - LSUrged on by the commitment of the Marist Sisters’ General Chapter 2015
to networking with other groups working for justice in order to counteract the violence being inflicted on people and the environment,
Marist Sisters in Australia are working towards divesting
from fossil fuels.

Dependence on fossil fuels is contributing to adverse climate change which affects everyone but especially the poor and vulnerable. In his encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Francis calls on us to reduce carbon emissions and develop sources of renewable energy. Divesting of fossil fuels is one way that we can be stewards of God’s gift of creation so that life in all its forms can be sustained now and into the future.

Year of Consecrated Life

yearofconsecratedlife_250Pope Francis has invited us to celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life, beginning on 30th November 2014 and concluding on 2nd February 2016.  He urges us: “Wake up the world!  Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living!” (November 2013)  For Marist Sisters these words – reminiscent of our founder Fr Colin’s expression to think, judge, feel and act as Mary – impel us to enter more deeply into our Marist vocation. We are called to be prophets in today’s world – prophets of joy and hope – called to follow Christ in the manner of Mary, called to be Women of the Word, Embracing Life.  As we prepare for our 2015 General Chapter in this Year of Consecrated Life, we go forth on our journey of renewal, growing more deeply into Christ and living the Gospel in the spirit of Mary, whose name we bear. (Logo: Catholic Religious Australia)