Sr Philomena Hall sm

Sr Philomena Hall sm was called to eternal life on Wednesday 2nd December 2020.

Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord.
May perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.

We extend our prayerful sympathy to the Marist Sisters in Australia and to Sr Philomena’s family. the following Words of Remembrance were delivered by Sr Julie Brand Philo’s funeral held at Holy Name of Mary Church Hunters Hill on 14th December.

Sr Philomena died very peacefully at St. Anne’s Nursing Home, Hunters Hill, on the morning of 2nd December.  When news of her death began to filter through the Nursing Home, the Staff were very saddened, telling us what a beautiful lady she was, how she never complained and how much they would miss her gentle presence.

Philo with members of her family

Sr Philomena – Margaret Patricia May Hall – affectionately known to us as Philo, was born on 1st May 1925 in Gloucester, NSW, the second youngest of six children.  The family moved to Belmore, Sydney, in 1933 but Philo never lost her great love for the Australian countryside. She completed her Primary Schooling at St. Joseph’s, Belmore, and Secondary Schooling at St. Brigid’s, Marrickville, before beginning work. Philo had happy memories of this period of her life, recalling joining the Parish Youth Group – a very united, active group that met at least twice a week and enjoyed dancing, socializing, sporting activities and working together on Parish projects.  It was while she was participating in a Parish mission that Philo began to recognize God’s invitation to Religious Life.  While resisting at first, Philo grew in readiness to accept the call. In a reflection she wrote that, after prayer and spiritual accompaniment, she was ready to say to God: “Whatever you want Lord, I want”.

Philo was received into the Marist Sisters’ Novitiate in Merrylands and made her First Profession on 8th September 1949.  The following year she began her Teacher Training at St Joseph’s, Mount Street, North Sydney, qualifying as an Infant and Primary Teacher.  Thus began her journey in the apostolate of Education, which spanned over 40 years, and through which she touched the lives of children and their families in New Zealand, Fiji and Australia.  Philo took up positions of leadership in Schools, and was always ready to assist other teachers and offer guidance and support.

Sr Philomena in Fiji

For approximately 32 years Philo was on mission in Fiji, teaching for many of those years in towns of the western district and in the Yasawa Islands. The Sisters of Fiji and her ex-students remember Philo as an excellent teacher, especially of infants – dedicated, kind, generous and hard-working – one who knew how to encourage her students, especially the slower readers – and who was always ready to give a helping hand to others, children and teachers alike. Philo was indeed loved by the Sisters and people of Fiji.  Ex-students, fellow teachers, parents and friends all around Fiji have been praying for Philo and giving thanks for her life of service in Mary’s Name. Philo’s gift of herself to Fiji was also very much supported by her family, whose generosity helped the mission of our Sisters there and the further growth of our Congregation in Fiji.  In particular the Hall family remember with affection Sr Maria Goretti Satoqi, to whom they opened their home in Belmore and provided a warm welcome when Maria Goretti came to Sydney in the mid-60’s to enter our Marist Novitiate.  Goretti is united with us today, saying once again “Vinaka Vaka Levu” to Philo and the Hall family.

Philo at Marian House

Philo settled back in Australia in the mid-90’s and was soon to begin a ministry of care and service in Marian House, Woolwich.  For many years she worked tirelessly in attending to the needs of the elderly Sisters, taking up the work of local Bursar and supporting the community.  Before we restructured Marian House in the early years of 2000, it was often Philo who showered Sisters and attended to their personal care. She always showed love for the frail Sisters and would visit the Nursing Home at St. Anne’s every Sunday morning to spend time with our Sisters in residence there.

Trevor, Mary & Philo with parents

Philo was an excellent Bursar who had a great gift for figures. She was competent in complex calculations such as wages and superannuation payments, well organised and meticulous. I believe her gifts and talents were also readily identified in other members of the Hall family.  Philo often spoke of her two brothers – Joe and Ben and their families, her sister Mary (who joined the Sisters of the Good Samaritan) and brother Trevor (a Christian Brother). She loved her family and enjoyed spending time with them, particularly holidaying in Ballina.

It was no secret that Philo was very determined – some would say stubborn – and stood her ground firmly and resolutely.  She could be fiery at times, and left you in no doubt about her stance on a matter in question. Philo was quite a fierce competitor too.  Sisters recall that she loved a game of cards and knew every card that had been played in a game of 500.  Woe betide you if you were her partner and had not kept track of the hands played! When Philo moved to St. Anne’s Nursing Home, she always participated in activities and particularly enjoyed Bingo.  Once again she was very well organised and it quite delighted me to see her arrange the markers in right order ready to cover the numbers when called.  She was often the winner!

Philo with Isimeli Cagica from Fiji

Philo took delight in nature, enjoying animals, birds, flowers and trees.  She loved the stars, the moon and the ocean.  One of her joys in latter years was to sit in the car by the water eating ice-cream and watching the pelicans. Philo was also artistic and would join in art and craft activities, colouring and decorating.

Philo – we thank God for you and Mary’s gracious choice of you.  It was your fervent desire to do great things for God in Mary’s way.  You have followed in Her footsteps and been faithful unto death.  Like Mary you prayed, “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord”.  You have surely done God’s Will and God now welcomes you into eternity.  Rest in peace.


Working Against Human Trafficking and Slavery

In the Asia-Pacific region Marist Sisters in Australia and New Zealand are engaged in the work against human trafficking and slavery. The sisters are members of ACRATH in Australia and Talitha Kum Aotearoa New Zealand in New Zealand.

Over recent week ACRATH has been advocating with members of the Commonwealth Parliament. Due to Covid-19 this year all meeting took part online. In addition to members of Parliament the ACRATH team also meets with members of Government Department. The image depicts a meeting with the Australian Ambassador for People Smuggling and Human Trafficking, Lucienne Manton (centre of lower right image), and her team. ACRATH is convinced that it is only through collaboration with government, NGOs and civil society that human trafficking and slavery can be eliminated.

The recent ACRATH Newsletter outlines ACRATH’s advocacy issues in 2020. It also gives a snapshot of other ACRATH activities over recent months. Download a copy of the latest ACRATH newsletter here.

Celebrations in New Zealand

On Sunday 4 October Marist Sisters in New Zealand celebrated with joy, 60 years of profession for Sr Margaret Vaney!  Her brother Fr Neil Vaney sm was the celebrant.  We celebrated Mass  in the beautifully prepared Mt Albert Chapel.  It was a very happy and joy-filled occasion during which Margaret renewed her vows. After the Mass we made our way to a restaurant on the rural outskirts of the city.  Following this we returned back to Mt Albert for cake-cutting, gifts and speeches! It was a wonderful day!


On the same weekend those sisters who were able gathered at the cemetry in Panmure for the unveiling of the headstone for Srs Isabelle Harding and Margaret Therese Kerins. Family and friends of the sisters were also present.


From the “Depths” and “Heights” of Lockdown

Despite being in lockdown for six months due to Covid-19 Marist Sisters resident in St Joseph’s Aged Care are still deeply interested in Congregation and world events. Their passion and commitment is an inspiration to all of us. On behalf of the group Sr Marie Berise writes the following:

“We six Marist Sisters residing at St. Joseph’s Aged Care, Hunters Hill, New South Wales, Australia, have been in lockdown since the 19th March 2020, only leaving this place for important, necessary medical treatment. We received with joy the beautiful, inspiring Jubilee for the Earth – New Rhythms, New Hope” material. It resonates deeply with the groundswell happening in Australia to raise awareness of climate change and the desire to reach renewable energy targets by 2050, despite the coronavirus and bushfire issues. The Government – Federal and State – and the many local groups are active. We here – Josephite Sisters, lay women and ourselves – prayerfully do very small things, cultivating gardens, recycling waste materials and plastics. How encouraging to read Ross Garnaut, one of our top experts in this field, in his wonderful book about Australia’s low carbon opportunity citing Pope Francis’s Laudato Si as the “most rigorous, comprehensive and influential” treatment of the ethics, science and technology issues to protect our common home throughout the world. In Laudato Si no. 218 Pope Francis quotes the Australian Bishops calling all to ecological conversion. We look to the future of our world with renewed hope.”

Photo: L-R: Srs Joan McBride, Anne Saunders, Marie Clarke (seated) and Srs Marie Patricia Toomey, Patricia Bartley and Marie Berise Nash (standing)

Latest ACRATH News

Marist Sisters in Australia have supported the work of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) since its beginning in 2005.

In the September issue of ACRATH News you can read about ACRATH’s new Forced Marriage Video Presentation which was launched in August. The Australian Federal Police participated in the launch and explored the issues facing local authorities working to combat forced marriage. Other stories include:

  • ETIKO Fairtrade clothing and JINTA sports equipment is offering ACRATH readers a discount. Work with them to keep workers, hit by COVID, in work.
  • LIZ Morris has written ACRATH’s submission to the Senate’s Select Committee on Temporary Migration. We make 10 compelling recommendations.
  • ACRATH’s calendar for 2021 is available and it explores some great projects combating human trafficking.
  • ACRATH’s volunteer Companions have been able to offer financial support to trafficked women and children during COVID.
  • JOIN the Webinar for teachers on November 23 2020.

Download your copy of ACRATH News here.

Celebrating in Sydney

A number of Marist Sisters in Sydney gathered to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary. The afternoon began with a time of prayerful reflection during which the sisters, recalling they have been called by gracious choice to bear Mary’s name,  renewed their vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions some sisters were unable to be present but they were not forgotten as messages from them were shared. Following the prayer a scrumptious afternoon tea was enjoyed. The opportunity to gather was very much appreciated especially during these Covid times.

Renewing Marist Commitment

In the presence of her Marist community, her relatives, friends and parishioners Sr Valerie Ho recently renewed her vows as a Marist Sister for two years. Her community Leader, Sr Rosemary, received her vows .  The renewal of commitment took place in the local parish church in Nadi, Fiji. Following the Mass family and friends were invited to join the sisters for brunch at the convent.

Acknowledging Faithful Service

Earlier this year Mrs Geraldine Carter retired after serving five years as Business Manager for the Marist Sisters in Australia.  Since then we have also farewelled Care-Coordinator, Miss Christine Mackenzie, who was with us for fifteen years.  Because of  Covid 19 and all the restrictions, we have been unable to come together as a Unit to officially thank these two wonderful women.

On Saturday 11th July those who were able, gathered at Hunters Hill for afternoon tea to acknowledge Geraldine and Chris and give thanks for the time they have faithfully served the Unit. The afternoon was very informal, but gave each of us a chance to catch up with them and also with each other.

We continue to pray in thanksgiving for both of them as begin the next phase of their journey through life.  Each of them has been a gift to our Unit in so many different ways.

Foundress Day 2020

Each year on 30th June Marist Sisters throughout the world celebrate the life of their Foundress, Jeann-Marie Chavoin. She is remembered as a courageous, large-hearted and generous woman. Her deep faith in God and love of Mary enabled her to be always ready to render service to those in need.

During these days when our world is in the grip of the Covid-19 pandemic may her words inspire us and give us hope:

“We must have confidence. God is not dead. We must count on Providence. It has never let us down and it will not fail us today. God will come to our help.”