As part of Marist Week at the parish primary school in Mt Albert, the Marist Sisters in Mt Albert have hosted visits from all the classes. Each visit has begun with a short prayer in the chapel, followed by a walk through to the lounge seeing what a sister’s bedroom looks like. In the lounge other sisters talked to the children and answered the questions they had prepared. The visits concluded with meeting whoever is the cook for the day in the kitchen. Sr Patricia read at the school Mass for the feast, and Sisters Karin and Marie Therese attended the Open Day activities.

The Auckland sisters also gathered together for the feast sharing dinner, conversation and prayer. During the prayer Tulua ‘Otuafi was received as a pre-candidate. She is experiencing Marist life with the Mt Albert community while she studies English and helps at the GIFT Centre (Growth in Faith Together). This group for intellectually disabled adults, meets for faith formation, and companionship on two Saturday afternoons a month. They are assisted by volunteers such as Tulua.