Marists Sisters at International Eucharistic Congress

12645189_10205550372980544_7468776575103324461_nMarist Sisters Edna and Sheila were among the delegates from Diocese of Davao at the International Eucharistic Congress held in Cebu City, Philippines, from January 24-31,2016. The theme of the Congress, Christ in us Our hope of Glory. Sheila writes:
“We are feeling so blessed, loved and touched by this experience. The event was a manifestation of the universality of the Church. The people were from 73 countries. The experience of communion was celebrated in many ways such us catechesis, the testimony of various people, sharing in groups, listening, dancing, singing, laughter, processions and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Our prayer during the Congress was: Lord it is good we are here, stay with us and continue to nourish our faith.”