News from Aotearoa-New Zealand

After many months of lockdown Marist Sisters in the Auckland area were recently able to gather at their Tindalls Bay beach house. This was an opportunity to enjoy each others company and to appreciate the beach scenery.

Present at the gathering was the most senior member of the Marist Sisters in New Zealand, Sr Patricia Bowley, and the youngest member, St Tulua ‘Otuafi.

For sisters in Aged Care facilities, there are still a restrictions on visiting. As a result the celebration of the 60th Anniversay of Profession for Sr Margaret Cross was a very quiet celebration. Srs Jane and Lorraine visited Margaret and reminisced with her about her years in Religious Life.

Te Wananga o Aotearoa’s Graduation Ceremony

Te Wananga o Aotearoa's graduation ceremonyCongratulations to Aotearoa-New Zealand Marist Sisters Rose, Isabelle and Catherine. They recently received diplomas at the Te Wananga o Aotearoa’s graduation ceremony.  Rose was the oldest graduate receiving Mauri Ora National Certificate in Maori(Te Waharoa) Level 2. Isabelle received a Diploma in Te Ara Reo Maori, and Catherine a Certificate in Te Ara Reo Maori, Level 2.

Congratulations Diamond Jubilarian

DSC00478It was with great joy that Marist Sisters in Aotearoa-New Zealand gathered to celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Sr Margaret Therese. During her sixty years as a Marist Sister Margaret Therese has missioned in Aotearoa-New Zealand  and Australia.

The Jubilee Mass, during which Margaret renewed her vows, was celebrated in the convent chapel in Mt Albert with Fr Chris Skinner sm presiding.


Mass was followed by a celebratory meal, some sharing on Margaret’s life as a Marist Sister, the cutting of a jubilee cake and the opening of gifts.

Aotearoa-New Zealand Assembly

DSC00464Marist Sisters in Aotearoa-New Zealand have spent two days assembled in Auckland.  They gathered to reflect on the outcomes of the recent Marist Sisters General Chapter and to begin planning a Design for Life and Mission.

DSC00468This Design will enable the sisters to be Women of the Word Embracing Life as they journey through the coming years. The sisters were grateful to have Br Graham Neist fms as their facilitator over these days.