Regional Chapter News

Day 1 AThe Marist Sisters of Asia-Pacific Regional Chapter began officially at 9.00am  on Sunday 19th October with the gathering of the members for the Opening Eucharist in the Chapel of the Vaughan Park Retreat Centre, Long Bay, Auckland, New Zealand.  David Kennerley sm, Provincial of the Marist Fathers NZ, led us  in our celebration of the Eucharist.

Day 1 CAt 11.00am we gathered in the Conference Room.  At the centre of our circle were two books: the Word to us through the Readings of the Day and the Word to us through our Sisters’ expressions of God’s Invitation to the Marist Sisters of Asia-Pacific.  Following the singing of Michael Herry’s “A Fire on the Earth”, Sr Julie  Brand, Regional Leader, a shared message from Sr Jane Frances O’Carroll sm, Congregational Leader, as well as those from other Marist Sisters and members of the Marist Family. She then handed over to Br Graham Neist fms, our facilitator.

Day 1 BOver the first two days time has been spent listening to and reflecting on Sr Julie’s report to the Chapter as well as reports from the Sector Leaders of Aotearoa-New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and the Philippines.  There is a wonderful spirit of deep listening  and sharing within the Chapter group.  More photos…

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