Praying to St Peter Chanel

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMarist Sisters in Sydney gathered to remember St Peter Chanel, Marist Father and first martyr of Oceania, and to pray through his intercession for vocations to the Marist Family.  Our prayer reflected on the words of Fr Colin, Founder of the Marist Fathers, to Peter Chanel and the first contingent of Marist Missionaries to the South Pacific as they ventured into the unknown.

Never count on yourselves, neither in prosperity or adversity, but solely on Jesus and Mary.”

Our prayer was followed by a simple afternoon tea and time to have a chat.  On 28th April, the feast of St Peter Chanel, we ask you to join with all Marists in praying through the intercession of St Peter Chanel “for many workers for the Gospel so that God’s kingdom may reach to the ends of the earth.”

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