75 Years of Marist Profession

On 5th February Sr Clare Francis will celebrate the 75th anniversary of her profession as a Marist Sister. Clare you are a living example of commitment and fidelity that inspires us in our Marist journey.

We rejoice with Clare and give thanks for her many years of Marist service in Australia and New Zealand. We ask God’s continued blessings for Clare in this her jubilee year.

New Leadership in Fiji

Marist Sisters in Fiji gathered recently to ritualise the change of leadership in Fiji. On 8th December, during a Mass at the end of their annual retreat, Sr Lavinia Henry passed the symbol of leadership to Sr Mariana Tevurega.

The sisters prayed in gratitude for Sr Lavinia’s service and asked blessings on Sr Mariana as she begins her three year mandate as leader. Sr Mariana will be assisted by Srs Lora Adikakai and Raitiera Teiti.

Marist Vocation Year Launched


Marist Sisters in the Philippines attended the official launching of the Marist Vocation Year for the Society of Mary District of Asia. The year was launched on November 15, 2021 on the 146th Death Anniversary of Ven. Jean-Claude Colin, Founder of the Society of Mary. The theme of the Marist vocation year is “Enriching, encouraging and assisting Marist vocation”.

During the Mass Fr. Lauro Arcede beautifully preached on the treasures left to the Marists by Fr. Founder Jean-Claude Colin specifically the importance of community living; how it challenges Marists but at the same time how it protects Marists from the things that could swallow them and make them far from what Fr. Colin envisioned for “living a Marist life”.

New Leadership Team in Australia

Marist Sisters in Australia gathered at Hunters Hill on 4th December to ritualise the change of Leadership that will take place on 8th December. Sr Gail Reneker will take up the role of Unit Leader of Australia with Srs Julie Brand and Beverley Lewis as her Assistants. The gathering was also an opportunity to give thanks to Sr Catherine Lacey who has been Unit Leader for the past seven years and to Sr Ruth Davis for her role as Unit Assistant for the last three years.

During a simple and prayerful liturgy, recognising that leadership is a call to love and service, the outgoing leadership team washed the hands of the new team. Cath then handed the Unit Candle to Gail as the sisters present extended their hands and prayed a prayer of blessing over Gail, Julie and Bev. At the conclusion of the prayer Julie, on behalf of the sisters of the Unit expressed gratitude to Cath and Ruth for their years of faithful service.

Afternoon tea followed the time of prayer. Due to Covid-19 restrictions this was the first time the sisters had been able to gather sine July 2020. Just being together was a joy and blessing for all present.


Renewal of Vows in New Zealand

In New Zealand, on 2nd December, Sr Tulua ‘Otuafi renewed her vows as a Marist Sister for another two years.  COVID restrictions prevented most of the sisters from attending the simple liturgy.

After some afternoon tea together, acting as witnesses, Srs Marie Challacombe, Gemma Wilson and Jane O’Carroll joined Tulua in the chapel at Papatoetoe.  They sang, read scripture and Tulua recited her renewal formula.  It was a very simple, joyous and prayerful occasion!

Congratulations Tulua.

Celebrating a Founder

“Let them always bear in mind that
they belong by a gracious choice
to the family of the blessed Mary, Mother of God,
by whose name they are called Marist,….

Let them constantly breathe her spirit:
a spirit of humility, self-denial
intimate union with God,
and the most ardent love of neighbour.”
(Spirit of the Society of Mary)

Jean-Claude Colin was born  in 1790 in the village of Saint-Bonnet-le-Troncy, France. His early years were a time of political and social upheaval in France due to the French revolution. Both his mother and father were deeply affected by the turmoil caused by the revolution. They both died in 1795 when Jean-Claude was only five years old.

Jean-Claude studied for the priesthood at the seminary in Lyon and was ordained a priest in 1816. Along with some fellow seminarians Jean-Claude pledged to begin a society which would take Mary as model – the Pledge of Fourviere. Following ordination the seminarians were dispersed to various parishes and dioceses. Jean-Claude was appointed to the parish of Cerdon where his brother Pierre was parish priest. Jean-Claude shared with his brother the dream of beginning the society of Mary. The dream of establishing a society in Mary’s name was eventually realised. Jean-Claude Colin is considered to be the Founder of the Marist Fathers and the Marist Sisters.

Each year on 15th November, the anniversary of the death of Fr Colin, Marist throughout the world remember this man who continues to inspire them as they too strive “to think, judge feel and act as Mary in all things”.

This year we are invited to join in prayer with the Marist Father as they launch the Marist Year of Vocations. To view a video in which Fr John Larsen, Superior General, launches the Marist Year of Vocations click here. A liturgy to launch the year can be found here.


Season of Creation

Marist Sisters in the Asia-Pacific region celebrated the Season of Creation in various ways. The Season of Creation provided us with an opportunity to reflect on our common home, the Earth, and commit to ways of respecting and protecting it into the future.

In Fiji the sisters do this simply by planting their own vegetables, keeping their environment clean, pot planting, planting root crops and composting.

In the Raiwaqa community Sr Rosemary put together a display depicting creation from the beginning and the current devastating state of the earth -the natural and man -made destructive forces brought  about through the effects of climate change. Many of the psalms sing in praise of God’s creation. As Bearers of Hope, we believe the Earth is alive and vibrant and wish to do all in our power to protect it.



In the Sefton Community in Australia, Srs Gail and Kate celebrated the Congregation feastday, the Holy Name of Mary, with a practical response to the Season of Creation. They did a make over of their garden.

Celebrating Despite Covid-19 Lockdown

Sisters in the Merrylands community gathered to renew their vows on September 12, the feast of the Holy Name of Mary. Due to the Covid-19 lockdown situation in greater Sydney it was impossible to come together physically especially as three of the five community members live in an aged care facility.

Srs Bev and Judith gathered and lit a candle for each of the sisters in community.  Srs Julia, Veronica and Therese were able to connect by phone and together they joined in prayer and renewed their vows before concluding with the Salve Regina.

Celebrating 99 Years of Life

Australian Marist Sister Clare Francis celebrated her 99th birthday recently. As she resides in an aged care facility she was unable to have visitors on her birthday due to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions.

Staff at Southern Cross Residential Aged Care in Marsfield did not let her birthday pass unnoticed. The kitchen staff made her a delicious cake which she enjoyed sharing with the other residents. Clare also received cards and phone calls from the sisters in Australia and beyond.

We look forward to celebrating with you on your 100th birthday next year Clare.