Making Room at the Inn

Sefton“This year our minds cannot help but dwell on the millions of people fleeing persecution and conflict and who like Mary and Joseph find that ‘there is no room at the inn’.  Christianity is rooted in history.  Bethlehem is past history.  Yet, the story goes on. It is not Mary and Joseph looking for a room at the inn now, but the millions of people, ordinary men/women/children, who are asking for a place of safety and an opportunity to live normal lives.”  (Extracts from a letter from Congregational Leader of the Marist Sisters to all the sisters.)

In response to the refugee crisis the Marist Sisters in Australia have made one of their houses available for refugee accommodation. In the photo Sr Kate, Bursar of Australia,  can be seen handing over the keys of the property to the refugee support organisation that will oversee the placement of refugees in the property.

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