Jubilarians Celebrate in New Zealand

Marist Sisters in New Zealand gathered recently for the Jubilee celebrations for Srs Antonia(70 years), Juliana(60 years), Francine(50 years) and Iulia(25 years). The celebrations began with a joyful parish Mass at Mt Albert.  Fr Grahame Connolly sm, Mons. Brendan Daly and parish priest, Fr Sateki Raas, presided and family members attended. Fr Grahame spoke of the significance of gratitude in our life.

After a delicious meal at a Kumeu restaurant it was back to Mt Albert for the opening of gifts and reading of congratulatory messages.

We give thanks to God for our Marist Jubilarians who have served  a total of two hundred and five years of Marist commitment.

lucille shattock/irvine

congratulations – to u all ladies! what a grand occasion u have all achieved. May I also say u all look very hail & hearty – which I do hope is indeed the case. We ‘girls’can only appreciate the hard work u put into our Marist lives now we are parents/grandparents and being overseers of our littleones lives. Often I find myself recalling times of school life and indeed some are not so different! Having my daugters children at ‘our’ school has reinforced these memories. Thankyou Srs Antonia/Juliana/Francine for being in our lives and to u Sr Julia
‘welcome’ to the family I bet u feel 25yrs have flown by – another 25 at least to go! keep up the ‘goodwork’ ladies -memories last forever 🙂
Mary and Lucille Shattock

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