On 8th December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, Fijian Sister Titilia Tupou made her Final Profession as a Marist Sister. Her family arrived in Nadi the day prior to the profession and they came well prepared for the big occasion with food for themselves and for the lovo…Fijian style food cooked in an earth oven.
The sun shone on the morning of the 8th as the sisters, family members and parishioners sang with great joy the Entrance hymn welcoming Father Milikiade sm the main celebrants and his two brother priests of Nadi. Tears of joy flowed as Sister pronounced her vows and received her ring. The meal afterwards was indicative of good management as there was a variety of delicious dishes.. more than 300 guests enjoyed the meal and there was more left over. All in all , it was a joyous occasion for the Marist Sisters and for Titilia’s family. On the evening of the 8th, the family handed over Titilia to the Marist Sisters in a very moving traditional custom. Again tears were flowing.
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