Feast of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin

“A young woman believe
it is possible to transform a village
into a happier human community,
and that it is not all that difficult
to create relationships of service, friendship
and even prayer among the inhabitants.
Her ideal is the simple life of Mary
in another village, Nazareth.
(For a Marian Church by Antoine Forissier , p13)

Each year on 30th June Marist Sisters celebrate the feast of their foundress, Jeanne-Marie Chavoin.  Jeanne-Marie’s Marist journey began in the village of Cerdon in the early part of the nineteenth century.  She showed herself as a beacon of hope to those who were experiencing the harsh effects of the social and religious upheaval of the time. She and the sisters lived close to the people and were in touch with their daily problems and fears. Their style of presence and approach was welcomed and became a channel through which the Gospel message was received. From the small beginnings in Cerdon the Marist Sisters have spread throughout the word and are now found in Aotearoa-New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Fiji, France, Gambia, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, Senegal, U.S.A., Venezuela and Wales.

Inspired by Jeanne-Marie’s deep and abiding faith
and her firm trust in God
we pray that we will be women of prayer
and learn from her
to live Mary’s loving concern for
and service of those in need.

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