Discerning and Celebrating in Australia

On Saturday 9th June Marist Sisters in Australia gathered to discern their governance structure for the coming years. The day was facilitated by Marist Brother Graham Neist. We all appreciated the bonds of communion and the open discussion experienced throughout the day. At the conclusion of this day Sr Noelene Simmons was missioned by all present as she prepares to take up the role of General Bursar for our congregation.



In a spirit of joy and thanksgiving we all gathered again on Sunday 10th June to celebrate our jubilarians – Sr Carmel Murray (Diamond) and Srs Carroll McDonald and Maureen Crick (Golden). Celebrants at the Jubilee Mass were Fr Peter Jones osa(nephew of Sr Maureen) and Marist Father Ron Nissan. Also celebrating her Golden Jubilee this year, our Congregation Leader, Sr Grace Ellul, was remembered during the Mass.

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