Each day preceding our work we gather for morning prayer together. We then take time to share any reflections on our previous days work. Having heard the reports from Sr Julie, Regional Leader, and also from the Sector Leaders our work has moved into a deeper phase of reflecting and questioning. It was with great delight that we were able to celebrate the birthday of one of our members on Day 3 with an evening social.
The work of Day 4 involved reflecting on the Regional Bursars report. After lunch, a nine-seater bus and three cars took groups of participants to various places of interest, beauty spots and shopping centres and then on to Mt Albert. There nearly every Sister of the Sector was awaiting us. We were warmly welcomed, thoroughly entertained and extremely well fed. With a certain reluctance, yet aware of the need to be fresh for the days ahead, we made our departure, thanking our God for all who had contributed to yet another wonderful day! More photos…
Such a blessing to host the regional chapter delegates yesterday for a BBQ and chit-chat!!!!! Continue to pray for the Guidance of the Holy Spirit upon the chapter meeting! God bless everyone
The Chapter participants are very grateful for the opportunity we had to be with our sisters in New Zealand. Thank you for your true Marist hospitality.
Thanks for the beautiful pics. May all our Marist Saints continue to shower you all with all the graces that you all need during this important gathering.
Much love and prayers
Thank you Val for your prayerful wishes. We pray that all Marist sisters will be touched by the graces of this Chapter.