World Water Day 2016

World Water DayWorld Water Day, instigated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993, is observed each year on March 22. This day gives us an opportunity to learn more about water related issues in our world and encourages us to take action to make a difference.

In 2016 the theme of this day is Water and Jobs. Nearly all jobs depend on water. Yet millions of people who work in water are not recognized or protected by basic labour rights. This year we are asked to focus on how enough quantity and quality of water can change workers’ lives and livelihoods. Catholic Health Association of the United States has prepared a prayer for this day. Read more…


Lenten Carbon Fast 2015

Lenten Carbon FastDuring Lent we are invited to consider how we live out our responsibility to be stewards of creation.  The Conference of Leaders of Religious Institutes in NSW (CLRI NSW) has published a Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar that might help us to not only reflect on our role as stewards.  It provides suggestions so that we can live this responsibility and enhance our relationship with God and will all of creation.  Download a copy of the calendar here.