Journeying With New Members

IMG_0649For six months, beginning February 2016, Sr April Ancero took part in the Journeying With New Members formation programme at Marymount Mercy Centre in Castle Hill.

April found this course to be very enriching. IMG_0652She appreciated this opportunity for spiritual growth and for skills development that will enable her to journey with others as they discern their vocation. The Marist Sisters in Australia were delighted to have contact with April while she was here. Following the graduation Mass that took place on 13th August April has now returned to the Philippines.

Fourvière Pledge 1816-2016

Dare to Dream 2016In 1816, in the chapel of Our Lady of Fourvière, twelve seminarians dared to dream that they could make a difference in the world by beginning a congregation in Mary’s name. Today, two hundred years later, Marist Fathers, Marist Sisters, Marist Brothers, Marist Missionary Sisters and Marist Laity are spread throughout the world. We ask you to join with us in celebrating the Pledge of Fourvière on 23rd July. We pray that like the men of Fourvière we will be fired with zeal as we strive to  “work together for the greater glory of God and the honour of Mary.”

Notre-Dame de Fourviere 2Mary, of Fourvière, show us what love is
and from where it draws its origin
and its constantly renewed power.
Holy Mary, good Mother of Fourvière,
you have given the world its true light,
Jesus, your Son ‐ the Son of God.
You abandoned yourself completely to God’s call
and this became a wellspring of the goodness
which flows forth from him.
You inspired the first Marists to create a Society
dedicated to showing the Marian face of the Church.
Show us Jesus. Lead us to him.
Teach us to know and love him,
so that we too can become capable of true love
and be fountains of living water
in the midst of a thirsting world. Amen.

Pioneer Missionaries Return to Fiji

2x3ft-_1pc[1]It was with heavy hearts that people gathered on April 21st to farewell Srs Torika Wong and Veronica Lum before their departure to Fiji on 23rd April. Eighteen years ago Torika and Veronica were the first Marist Sisters to go to the Philippines. Marist Fathers, Marist Missionary Sisters, Marist Brothers and postulants, Marist Laity, Partners in Marist Mission, SAMIN representatives, a host of friends and of course the Marist Sisters in Davao gathered for the farewell function that began with Mass at 6:00 pm. Fr Pat Devlin sm, District Superior of the Marist Fathers in Davao, was the main celebrant at the Mass. The backyard was well lit up with over 80 chairs in place. The sudden shower of rain at the beginning of Mass did not dampen any spirits with everyone able to shelter in the house or on the porches.

WP_20160421_19_48_30_Pro[2]After the Mass Sr Sheila, Unit Leader of the Marist Sisters in the Philippines, welcomed and thanked all who came. Many more speeches followed with various groups expressing their appreciation of Torika and Vero. Torika and Vero then voiced their gratitude for the richness of life they had experienced in the Philippines and for the love they received during their time here.

Entertainment from various cultural groups followed before all partook of a delicious meal. It was an evening to remember and one that was a fitting tribute to the contribution Torika and Vero had made during their eighteen years in the Philippines.

Click on images below to see a larger image.

Marists Sisters at International Eucharistic Congress

12645189_10205550372980544_7468776575103324461_nMarist Sisters Edna and Sheila were among the delegates from Diocese of Davao at the International Eucharistic Congress held in Cebu City, Philippines, from January 24-31,2016. The theme of the Congress, Christ in us Our hope of Glory. Sheila writes:
“We are feeling so blessed, loved and touched by this experience. The event was a manifestation of the universality of the Church. The people were from 73 countries. The experience of communion was celebrated in many ways such us catechesis, the testimony of various people, sharing in groups, listening, dancing, singing, laughter, processions and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Our prayer during the Congress was: Lord it is good we are here, stay with us and continue to nourish our faith.”

My Chosen One, In Whom I Delight

12512015_10207085523490415_1045157920_nMy Chosen One in Whom I Delight was the theme of Sr April Acero’s Perpetual Profession Mass held recently in the Philippines. On the cover of her Profession booklet was an illustration of Jesus standing in the river and the dove/Spirit descending on him. The ceremony of profession was integrated into the anticipated parish Mass of the Baptism of Christ on the evening of Saturday 9th January. Eight Marist Fathers concelebrated with Archbishop Romulo de Valles DD, Archbishop of Davao, and his Vicar for Religious, Fr. Bill Larouse (Maryknoll Fathers). The ceremony was simple,  filled with love and joy. April’s family, Marist Sisters in the Philippines, members of the Marist family, friends and parishioners were present to celebrate with April.

12506922_10207085528250534_1533235756_nThe theme of gracious choice and April’s joyful response permeated the atmosphere of the Profession ritual and the entire Eucharistic Liturgy. It was truly a celebration of God’s love for his Son, the Beloved, and for His graciously chosen daughter, April, in whom He delights. By the creativity of the Spirit, in his homily, the Archbishop focused on this theme as he very simply expounded the Scripture readings and noted that whatever God was saying to Jesus, his Son, He was also saying to April. April was overflowing with joy in the fact of being so loved. Following the profession ceremony guests were entertained by items prepared by the Postulants of the Marist Brothers, the Novices of the Marist Fathers and a beautiful Kiribati dance performed by Sr. Terube, SM and Sr. Katea an SMSM Sister.

Click on an image below to see an enlarged version.

Rejoicing in the Gift of Vocation

12358199_10206895716105349_12307092_nOn the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 12th December 2015, Sr. Edna B. Gado, SM, publicly make her Perpetual Profession of the vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience in the Congregation of Mary. Present to witness Edna’s Perpetual Profession were her Marist Sisters, Edna’s family, members of the Marist Family and many other friends and invited guests.   The Solemn Mass was celebrated at the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Tagum.and was officiated by Most Rev. Wilfredo D.Manlapaz, D.D., STD., Bishop of Tagum. A number of Marist Fathers and Diocesan Priests also concelebrated. Sr. Sheila B. Manalo, SM the new Unit Leader of the Marist Sisters Philippines, received the vows of Sr. Edna in behalf of Sr. Grace Ellul, SM, Superior General of the Marist Sisters.

12380235_10206895716025347_657261944_nFor several years now, Sr. Edna has been with the Talikala Foundation passionately ministering to Prostituted and Trafficked Women and Girls. We thank God for the gift of Sr. Edna and we continue to pray for her. We pray also for special blessings for her Mom and Dad as have they generously “given” their only daughter Sr. Edna to the Church and to the MaristsSisters.

More photos…



A New Beginning for Marist Sisters

Marist Sisters Embracing LfeOn this feast of the Immaculate Conception, and the inaugural day of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Marist Sisters throughout the world are marking a historical moment when our Congregation is taking on a new shape as one WHOLE made up of 13 Units. The Marist Sisters’ General Chapter held in April 2015 invited us to be Women of the Word, embracing live and to affirm the values of diversity and flexibility. The Chapter did not decide on governance structures, but has opened the way for each current Sector to reflect on its situation and its needs.  From this fresh starting point, each group is invited to shape its future governance model according to its own reality.  The vital issue is the life of the Unit, the mission of the Unit, its desire to promote and enhance life.

P1100827Sr Grace Ellul, Congregational Leader, in her video address to the Congregation urged us to open wide our hearts, our minds, our very selves and embrace the Whole that we are as Congregation.  Let us cultivate an awareness of the Whole, be in touch with the Whole, be interested in the Whole, pray with the Whole.  Unit Leaders, I invite you to establish networks among yourselves and to keep your Units connected with others.

Magnificat~Final Profession of Sr Lilibeth

LilibethIn this Year of Consecrated Life, Sr Lilibeth Cajes sm made her Perpetual Profession as a Marist Sister in Davao, the Philippines. In a simple and beautiful celebration on July 23, Lilibeth vowed chastity, poverty and obedience for life in the Congregation of Mary. Her vows were received by Sr Grace Ellul sm, Congregational Leader of the Marist Sisters. The Profession Mass took place in Immaculate Conception Parish, Mintal. The main celebrant was Bishop Guillermo Afable, the bishop of Digos, Lilibeth’s hometown.

FP5Almost 200 people attended the celebration. All branches of the Marist Family were present. Lilibeth’s family came all the way from Digos with some of their relatives and friends. The Marist Laity were present in full force even though it was a work day.

A large number of Mintal parishioners attended and expressed their gratefulness at witnessing a Perpetual Profession of a sister for the first time. They spoke of how touched they were by the whole celebration, and especially when all the Marist Sisters present embraced Lilibeth as a sign of peace and welcome to heFP3r. The reception that followed was held in the Parish Hall. Entertainment was provided by the various branches of the Marist Family. Hazel and Terube were joined by the Marist Missionary Sisters to perform a dance from Kiribati while the Marist Fathers’ novices sang a song they had specially composed for Lilibeth. See more photos…

Easter Blessings

EasterAs we once again reflect on and celebrate the Paschal Mystery, the Marist Sisters send you prayerful wishes for a very happy and blessed Easter.  May our celebrations renew our hope in God’s promise of fullness of life for all.