On 6th and 7th June the sisters in Australia gathered for their annual Assembly and to rejoice and give thanks to God with the sisters who are celebrating their jubilees this year. A lovely prayer centred on the Preamble to our General Chapter documents began the Assembly Day and provided an opportunity for prayerful reflection and sharing of our faith and Marist living. During the day the sisters reflected on living Marist religious life in the current situation in Australia. There was great appreciation for the insights Fr Kevin Bates shared with us on this topic during the morning session.

It was with great delight that the sisters gathered in the chapel at Marist Sisters College Woolwich for a Mass to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Srs Philomena Hall, KathleenDaly and Margaret Purcell, the Golden Jubilee of Sr Marie Berise Nash and the Silver Jubilee of Sr Teresia Raione( a sister from Fiji currently undertaking a course in Sydney). The rich Liturgy of Trinity Sunday provided a profound and deeply prayerful experience in an atmosphere of joy and thanksgiving. After Mass a delicious luncheon was provided in Marian House with speeches, toasts and the cutting of the special Jubilee cake.
Sr Marie Berise,
I sit here by my fire in Aotearoa New Zealand and I think of you. Of you and the “gash gold vermillion, of the dappled dawn drawn falcon”. Thank-you for sharing your love of literature, your love of life and service. You are with me at every fireside event. Loads of love and gratitude, until we meet again, arohanui, Megan Hall